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Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

M.I.B profile Boyband Hiphop Korea

Hey..hey.. waddup.. how are you guys..?? :)
I have a news for you tonight.. mm... this is a news about HipHop Boyband.
I'm very excited.. because they are so handsome lol :p
ok.. I will introduce all them for you... 

They are M.I.B ( Most Incredible Busters )
official website : http://www.m-i-b.co.kr/index.html 

A Hiphop boyband from South Korea, have four members, they are Kangnam, 5Zic, Cream, and SIMS. They are from "Jungle Entertainment".
They released their album on October 25, 2011, and today they have completed their debut stage on M!countdown. 

I will give you a profile of M.I.B in Bahasa Indonesia kkk :D

Kangnam M.I.B
Nama : Kangnam (Gangnam)
Nama Asli : namekawa Yasuo (warga Jepang).
Lahir : 23 Maret 1987
Umur : 25 tahun
Gender : Male
Tinggi/Berat : 177cm / 64kg
Golongan Darah : A
Horoskop : Aries
Band : tokkitti
Hobi : menulis, surfing, snowboarding, olahraga, film
Keterampilan : Bahasa Inggris, gitar, piano

5Zic M.I.B

Nama : 5Zic (Leader)
Nama Asli : Kim Han Gil
Lahir : 26 Juli 1988
Umur : 24 tahun
Gender : Male
Tinggi / Berat : 178cm / 66kg
Golongan Darah : O
Horoskop : Leo
Band : yongtti
Hobi : Musik, Lirik, olahraga
Keterampilan : Lyric, olahraga

Cream M.I.B
Nama : Cream
Nama Asli : Kim Kiseok
Lahir : 14 Februari 1990
Umur : 21 tahun
Gender : Male
Tinggi/Berat : 177cm / 64kg
Golongan Darah : AB
Horoskop : Aquarius
Band : maltti
Hobi : musik, lirik,menonton film
Keterampilan : rap. beat Box
Nama : SIMS
Nama Asli : Sim Jongsu
Lahir : 27 Februari 1991 Umur : 20 tahun
Gender: Male
Tinggi/Berat : 185.5cm / 75kg
Golongan Darah : A
Horoskop : Pisces
Band : yangtti
Hobi : lirik rap, menonton film
Spesialisasi : lirik rap
They have a music video group and solo music video
Check this out :
Okay.. enjoy guys.. 
1. M.I.B - G.D.M ( Girls, Dreams, Money ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0j2yMFtlPio&ob=av2n

2. Kangnam ( M.I.B ) - Say My Name http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvBAr0DMjEE&ob=av2e

3. 5Zic ( M.I.B ) - Beautiful day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ880tBNwIQ&ob=av2e

4. Cream ( M.I.B ) - Do U Like Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKpRPG9KlOo&ob=av2n

5. SIMS ( M.I.B ) - Hands Up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MjEQBHe4-g&ob=av2n
So..who's your bias??
Actually..I like Cream so much kkk :D but Kangnam always in my mind lol :p so.. my bias is still Cream :D yeiyeiyei... 
I will give you official twitter of M.I.B : http://twitter.com/#!/Official_MIB

Official Twitter M.I.B members :
1. Kangnam : http://twitter.com/#!/kangnam11
2. 5Zic : http://twitter.com/#!/5zic
3. Cream : http://twitter.com/#!/youngcream0214
4. SIMS : http://twitter.com/#!/SIMS9102

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